New Blog Site

>> 1/3/14

Yep, I updated my blog and posted something new! However, I've gotten frustrated with Blogger so I have transferred everything to WordPress.

Follow my new blog at


Today's little thing...

>> 6/30/12

Kitty baths.


We made it!

>> 12/16/11

So, for the past 5 months we have been keeping a final countdown on our bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. Yesterday, this is what it said:

The Final Countdown: 1 Day!

And when I woke up this morning, this is what it said:

I love my husband. :) 

We graduate tomorrow. I get an MBA. Noel gets his JD. 
Our house is a disaster and we are moving on Monday. 
And we couldn't be happier. 
That is all. :)


Noel's Birthday

>> 8/14/11

I married an old man. Just kidding. He's actually a few months younger than me...but we're both getting old fast. Time seems to pass more quickly as I get older, or maybe I just can't remember things anymore so it just seems that way. Either way, turning 29 was kind of a slap in the face for me and I think for Noel as well. It hurts to know that you only have one more year in your twenties, but it helps to know that this promises to be a year full of wonderful changes in our lives.

Noel said that he didn't want a gift from me for his birthday, so instead I did something sappy, mushy, and very sentimental. While Noel slept in, I blew up 29 balloons and hung them all up in his office. On each balloon I wrote something I love about him. Let's just say I'm happy he's not any older than 29....I don't think I could have blown up any more balloons. :) It made for a very cheerful room and happy husband...all for less than $5.

After Noel saw his surprise he took his mother to the gun range. Yep, you read that right the first time. Susie and Noel went to the range. She's a Pistol Packin' Mama. Check out his post here. :) 

After they finished at the range, I met them at Cocina for a birthday lunch. 


Happy Birthday Noel!
Hope it was a memorable one.



>> 8/8/11

Bet you thought I dropped off the face of the earth huh? :)

Thought I would distract you with a few fun pictures from my nephew Bryce's 2nd birthday party while I work on an update on my 30 before 30 list. Time is running out. I might stay 29 for another year.

On a much less depressing sweet, adorable, lovable nephew turned 2! We had a blast at the party...

 My grandfather was there. He's still recovering from surgery. Needless to say it was great to see him there and melted my heart to see him eating lunch with Bryce.

Go ahead Bryce...sneak that frosting before we light the candle. No one's watching!

Blue icing all over...I love the bottom left pic. "Don't move till I wipe you clean!"

Happy day. Happy family. Happy Devon.


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